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Ultrasonic Testing
MODULE 1: Introduction to Ultrasonic Testing
UT Practice Test #1 Explained (44:53)
UT Practice Test #2 Explained (54:33)
Tips before getting started
What to expect in this section? (0:44)
How does sound help us inspect objects? (2:08)
How does Sound travel? (1:55)
Why you sound different on a voice recorder?
Ultrasonic Applications: Railroad
Ultrasonic Applications: SONAR
Ultrasonic Applications: Fishing
Ultrasonic Applications: Levitating Objects
Responsibilities of Level I, II and III and Qualification vs Certification (4:19)
SNT-TC-1A Recommendations
SNT-TC-1A Document (5:52)
Frequency, Wavelength & Velocity using Brushing example (7:40)
What is frequency and wavelength? (4:11)
Velocity, frequency and wavelength equation (3:18)
Read Chapter 1
Summary Lesson 1
Review 1
Review 1 Explained (24:34)
MODULE 2: Basic Principles of Sound
What to expect in this section? (1:00)
Modes of Sound Propagation (7:47)
Modes of Sound Propagation in detail (7:58)
Lamb Waves Visual
Civa: straight beam and angle beam animation (12:03)
What is frequency and wavelength? (4:11)
Velocity, frequency and wavelength equation (3:18)
Test Your Human Hearing Range
Blind Guy Echolocation
What is the relationship between frequency and penetration? (1:50)
Attenuation (loss of sound) (1:06)
Acoustical Impedance and Impedance Ratio (3:09)
Civa: Normal Incidence (11:07)
Reflection vs Refraction of sound. (5:29)
Civa : Refraction (6:35)
Mode Conversion and Critical Angles (6:56)
Civa: Mode conversion (18:47)
QnA Session on Snell's Law with Animation (29:22)
Calculating Critical Angles using Snell's Law (13:53)
QnA Session on Critical Angles (19:15)
Read Chapter 2
Lesson 2 Summary
Review 2
Review 2 Explained (20:43)
Module 3: Equipment
Typical UT Flaw detectors (2:18)
What is Decible?
Loudness Comparison in Decibels
Decibels in details (23:19)
Math problems on Decibels and its practical relevance. (7:07)
DB Sample Problem Explained (11:20)
What is A-scan, B-scan and C-scan? (2:43)
Civa: A scan (25:37)
Civa: B Scan (16:55)
Civa: C Scan (22:47)
4 types of rectifications (3:45)
What is Calibration and what are Reference Standards? (1:40)
What are Area Amplitude Blocks? (3:32)
CIVA: Area Amplitiude Blocks (6:54)
What are Distance Amplitude Blocks? (2:24)
CIVA: Distance Amplitude Blocks (7:33)
Distance Amplitude Correction (DAC) Curve
Most important acronym in Ultrasonic Testing (3:02)
FPADS Knuckle Video (2:55)
Audio Review of Modules 1 to 3
Read Chapter 3
Lesson 3 summary
Review 3
Review 3 Explained (37:04)
Practical Demonstrations
Thickness Calibration with Dakota Ultrasonics DFX-7 (1:48)
How to perform UT thickness calibration using Omniscan SX? (7:09)
Simple tips for using Ultrasonic Pen-Probe
Echo to Echo technique
High Temperature UT Thickness
Module 4: About the Transducer
What to expect in this section? (0:58)
Piezo-electricity (4:55)
Piezo-electric Materials (1:44)
Civa Near far zone (7:09)
Civa: Frequency and Beam Shape (7:10)
Near zone, Far zone and Dead zone (4:39)
Three Zones in detail (QnA Session) (23:18)
Dead Zone Explained
Beam Spread and its dependence on diameter of the transducer. (2:16)
Civa Beam Spread and Diameter relation (7:53)
Types of transducers (3:22)
Dual Crystals and the Round Mound of Sound
How to quickly check wedge contour for Shear Wave transducers
Resolution and Sensitivity
Civa Resolution Sensitivity (16:11)
Sensitivity Resolution QnA
Broadband vs Narrowband Transducers
Damping (2:55)
Gain and Voltage
How to use powder couplant?
Couplants (2:14)
Honey vs Couplant
UT Thickness without Couplant!
Noncontact Transducers (5:59)
Read Chapter 4
Lesson 4 summary
Review 4
Review 4 Explained (24:14)
Module 5: The different UT techniques
What to expect in this section? (1:40)
Pulse-Echo, Pitch-Catch and Through Transmission (5:01)
What is Ultrasonic Immersion Testing (6:39)
Can you answer this Immersion UT question? (2:22)
Wheel Type Immersion UT
Bubbler/Squirter Immersion UT
Read Chapter 5
Lesson 5 Summary
Review 5
THE END of Level I
Module 6: Reading Assignment Lesson 6
Lesson 6 Summary
Read Chapter 6
Review Lesson 6
Module 7: Calibrating UT Equipment
High Pass and Low Pass filters (3:07)
Horizontal linearity, Vertical linearity and Amplitude linearity
Basic equipment familiarity
Straight Beam Calibration
Angle-beam Calibration
What does a Centerline crack look like in UT?
6 db Drop Defect Sizing Technique (Incomplete Penetration)
ERVD Block
Distance Amplitude Correction (DAC) Curve
Read Chapter 7
Lesson 7 Summary
Module 8: Evaluation of Base Materials
What is an Ingot?
What is Continuous Casting?
UT of Tubes and Bars (4 videos)
Detection of Laminations (Practical Demo)
What is Forging? (2 videos)
Casting Defects
UT of Iron Castings (Practical Demo)
What is a Composite?
What does damage to a composite look like?
Immersion UT of a Composite
Stick Welding (or Shielded Metal Arc Welding: SMAW)
MIG Welding (GMAW)
TIG Welding (GTAW)
Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW)
WELDING DEFECTS!! Porosity, Arc Strikes, Undercut
WELDING DEFECTS!! Incomplete Penetration, Spatter, Excessive Reinforcement
Stick Welding Defects: Incomplete Fusion, Slag Inclusion, Overlap
Read Chapter 8
Lesson 8 Summary
Review Chapter 8
Module 9: About discontinuities
What to expect in this section? (0:55)
Civa: A-scan Immersion UT
Civa: Immersion UT Incident Angle Error Second Mode Effect
Civa: Immersion UT Beam and Intensity
Civa: Immersion UT Incident Angle Error Amplitude Effect
Civa: Immersion UT Minimum Water Path
Relevant and Nonrelevant Indications (4:01)
3 stages of discontinuity detection (2:04)
Discontinuity Orientation and its Effects
Discontinuity vs Defects
Defect sizing technique-6dB Drop
Some tips on Detecting Discontinuities
Crack Detection: Surface Waves or Shear Waves?
Thickness Measurement of Thin Materials
Read Chapter 9
Bonus Videos
SOH CAH TOA (47:21)
Review of UT Concepts (116:18)
Random QnA before test
Final Review (45:46)
Tips to be a great NDT Technician Part 1 (2:54)
Tips to be a great NDT Technician Part 2 (3:34)
Practice Tests
UT Practice Test #1
UT Practice Test #2
UT Practice Test #3
UT Practice Test #3 Explained (66:33)
Module 10: Advanced UT Theory: Phased Array
What to expect in this section? (1:55)
What do Phased and Array mean? (1:09)
Phased Array Antennas (5:00)
What is S-Scan? (1:41)
Video Demo of PAUT of Composites
Advantages and disadvantages of Phased Array compared to Conventional UT (2:34)
What is encoding? (2:06)
Module 11 & 12: Advanced UT Theory: Time of Flight Diffraction and Guided Wave Testing
What to expect in this section? (1:06)
TOFD Practical Demo
TOFD Theory and Calibration
TOFD Calibration and Inspection Practical Demo
Practical Demonstration of TOFD
Advantages and Disadvantages of TOFD
Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing
Long Range UT (GWUT)
Module 13: Evaluation Standards
What to expect in this section? (1:31)
Excerpt from ASTM A-609
Excerpt from ASME Standard: Article 5
Excerpt from Military Standard: MIL-STD-2154
Teach online with
Civa Near far zone
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